Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management is an introductory workshop designed for a spectrum of audiences: individuals new to the field, specialists with limited exposure to supply chain outside their specialties, senior managers with supply chain management responsibilities, non-supply chain professionals who work with supply chain functions (e.g., finance and accounting, sales and marketing, real estate, manufacturing.)

The workshop is composed of a dozen topical sessions covering tactical aspects of supply chain operations, including: transportation, warehousing, procurement, logistics service providers, facility location, inventory management, and more. Highly interactive, the sessions are highlighted with team approaches to case work.

Custom-Designed Introductory Workshops

At client discretion, a completely tailored workshop may be constructed from elements of either or both fundamentals and executive issues for delivery in a varying number of module days. Additionally, these workshops may be augmented with live-action play of the Supply Chain Game, a derivative of the MIT Beer Game.

Learning, skills, and abilities will parallel those listed for the two core workshops, and the ability to introduce leading authorities on special topics will continue to be available.

Attendees will learn:

  • The building blocks of modern supply chain management
  • How elements of supply chains interact, both within and outside the organization
  • The origin of the functions that have evolved into supply chain management

Attendees will be able to:

Collaborate more effectively with colleagues in supply chain functions
Communicate supply chain concepts and solutions to management and organizational peers
Comprehend supply chain impacts and consequences of manufacturing, marketing, and other programs
This workshop can be tailored to focus on a specific industry, or to include special attention to specific industry or geographic issues. Typically, fundamentals are delivered in two module days not necessarily contiguous.

To discuss how CSCMP can deliver on-site education to your organization, contact us at or call +1 630.574.0985.
